How small live music venues can benefit from a two-way conversation with their audiences.
presented by LiveDMA
In a post-covid era with an ever-growing cost of living, it is easy to find reasons why it is hard for small live music venues to reach audiences. But what if it is not just the multicrisis? What if our communication strategies itself are failing us? In this panel we’ll look at how music venues can shift their perspective from merely selecting bands to building communities. This panel features an international group of music venue professionals who have collaborated on a European project about audience development. They will share their concrete experience and ideas on how to kick-start a dialogue with the audience in your venue. The session will be moderated by Ken Veerman, a writer and consultant on audience development for cultural spaces.
Publikumsdialog statt Marketing
Wie kleine Veranstaltungsorte für Live-Musik von einem wechselseitigen Gespräch mit ihrem Publikum profitieren können.
Präsentiert von LiveDMA
In einer Post-Covid-Ära mit ständig steigenden Lebenshaltungskosten ist es leicht, Gründe zu finden, warum es für kleine Live-Musik-Veranstaltungsorte schwierig ist, das Publikum zu erreichen. Was aber, wenn es sich hierbei nicht nur um die Multikrise handelt? Was, wenn unsere Kommunikationsstrategien selbst versagen? In diesem Panel werden wir uns ansehen, wie Musikveranstaltungsorte ihre Perspektive von der bloßen Auswahl von Bands auf den Aufbau von Communities verlagern können. An dieser Podiumsdiskussion beteiligt sich eine internationale Gruppe von Musikfachleuten, die an einem europäischen Projekt zur Publikumsentwicklung mitgearbeitet haben. Sie werden ihre konkreten Erfahrungen und Ideen teilen, wie ihr einen Dialog mit dem Publikum an eurem Veranstaltungsort in Gang bringen könnt. Moderiert wird das Panel von Ken Veerman, Autor und Berater für Publikumsentwicklung für Kulturräume.
Kukka Hytönen is working as venue manager at Tanssisali Lutakko (Jyväskylä, Finland). Tanssisali Lutakko is run by non-profit organization called Jyväskylän Elävän Musiikin Yhdistys Jelmu ry, better known as Jelmu. Most of the venue staff are volunteers and volunteer work has been very important part since the venue was founded in 1990. A big volunteer community provides a versatile working environment with its possibilities and challenges. As a venue manager Kukka wants upkeep community where everyone feels welcome and motivated organizing great live music experiences!
Het Depot (Leuven, Belgium)
Mike Naert is one of the founders of Het Depot (Leuven, 2003) and today he is active as general and artistic director. Het Depot today is one of the key clubs in Belgian music scene with around 100.000 visitors per year, around 10 artists in residence and an active role in talent development in the scene. Musical diversity is one of the core values of Het Depot. Today the big challenge lies in connecting all kinds of communities with the club. This will only succeed with an open mind and in close interaction with the communities itself. Together with some colleague-clubs and sector organisation Het Depot is actively working on a more inclusive and diverse music scene in Belgium. Mike is also head of programme for several festivals in Leuven and is active as a sector representative and clubcircuit. During the corona crisis he was very active in the frontline in defending the cultural sector.
Povero Ragno (Cuneo, Italy)
Hello! I’m Michele, a 25-year-old deeply entrenched in the music scene for the past three years. I’m a proud manager at Risorgive, where we organize unique live events in Cuneo (Italy), keeping the artist a secret until the last moment. In addition to my role as a manager, data analyst, and videomaker, I also manage the talented emerging artist, Pacifik. I’m part of the Try-angle project, a European initiative focused on creating a sustainable economic model for live music venues.
Petit Bain (Paris, France)
After working in several cultural venues and social housing sector in the Paris region, Marine Idir joined floating Parisian music venue Petit Bain in November 2021 as cultural actions and audience relations manager. She contributes to developing audiences, improving social cohesion through artistic experiences, supporting local artists and building relationships with territorial partners. She is also a co-adviser for Petit Bain’s policy regarding sexual and gender-based violence.
Independent consultant for the cultural sector (Belgium)
Ken Veerman is a strategic advisor to European concert halls and other mission-driven organizations. He managed all kinds of stages in Belgium for 15 years and now uses that experience to help venues get to know themselves better. He works on mission formation, revenue models and public dialogue and regularly publishes on strategic and business policy for cultural organizations and on European pop policy. Ken is currently developing The Try-Angle, an audience development tool for European concert halls on behalf of Live DMA, the European network of grassroots venues.
Ken will moderate the panel „Audience dialogue instead of marketing“.
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